Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Great Plans For The Future

We are pleased to announce that 12DailyClicks is in business already for one month. More than 1,000 members joined us and I'm sure they are enjoying our service. It means we've got 30 new members per day in 12DailyClicks, what is awesome when autosurfs industry looks stagnated. Very few autosurfs today have such membership, atleast those who show real statistics.
This newsletter is not to update you about 12DailyClicks, we are coming via e-mail to tell we want to dedicate our full time to one project, it will be better for everybody, members and staff. This e-mail is to ask you to join 12DailyInv (, the program has just begun, not even one week old, launched on August 14th. Since we launched 12DailyInv we discovered we didn't do just another hyip but a potential huge program. My expectations for 12DailyInv are really big, I feel we could keep the programs sustainable for several months. If you are looking for consistent earnings during a significant period I tell you now: Step into 12DailyInv today.
As you may know this is our recent launched HYIP and it's growing at awesome rate. With this said I would like to inform you that 12DailyClicks will no longer accept new deposits. All current deposits however will stay in place and if you have an active upgrade you still have to surf for your daily interest.
Please understand that since our 12DailyInv grows more and more, it needs more attention and a dedicated work. So once all 12DailyClicks current upgrades are expired and paid, 12DC will be closed for business and all visits received will be redirected to 12DailyInv. No member will be in loss - consider you are already in profit, even if you have just upgraded today. Every single member will be in profit.
To sum it up, if you enjoyed your prompt payouts at 12DC, the best way to support now us is to join 12DailyInv! Over 390 members joined in first 5 days and I'm sure with this we're going to achieve many investor goals. So see you there!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Big Things Have Been Done

Hi! It's Jeffrey and Mike here.
While you are planning to enjoy your weekend we look forward working to provide you the best investment solution. And big things have been done!
We are really not satisfied to be the leader of autosurfs - that’s great but very little near our expectations. That’s reason why we are now bringing our method of work to HYIP industry.
Starting from this date you can enjoy the most exciting HYIP you ever participated, we wanna again make a change. We definitely think that we have successfully already placed an end in the cycle of failed autosurfs.
With that being said, we welcome you to 12DailyInv ( and participate the most exciting trip to profits! At 12DailyInv we offer two investment plans to choose from: 12% Daily for 10 Days and 140% After 10 Days. So see you there. ;)
As what refers to our recent limited-time-plan "140% in 10 Days" on 12DailyClicks, it will be no longer available. As we said, it was a limited time offer. All current deposits in this plan will still remain and will be paid once they expire.
The Ultimate 12 By 12,
12DailyClicks Team.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Non-Surf Plan Launched: 140% in 10 Days

Hi everybody,
Jeffrey and Mike here. We would like to announce our limited-time-offer "140% After 10 Days". Depositing funds into this plan doesn't require you surfing at all. Your 12DC account will be credited with 14% daily and once it reaches 140% (after 10 days) it will go to auto-pending.
Minimum purchase for this package is $50 and max is $1,000 per deposit. You are still able to have 6 active deposits/upgrades running at the time. How much you can earn from this plan? Let's say you deposit $100. After 10 days it's $140 which includes your $100 principal and $40 net profit.
That's true, now you can enjoy the benefits and features of hyips in 12DailyClicks. That's for you that don't have time for surfing. Don't miss out this offer!
The Ultimate 12 By 12,
12DailyClicks Team.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Great News from 12DC Staff

Hello, 12DC Family! We should first say huge thanks for your great support! It's much appreciated.
As of today, August 10, 12DailyClicks has finished it's second cycle and it has been in business already for 24 days. During this time our membership has reached 700 members and it keeps growing all the time.
But, did we see the same 12DailyClicks on it's first day? Definitely no. Many great features has been implemented which makes 12DC unique and special. Latest feature we announced was called "Paid to Promote". We're paying you now for promoting 12DC using our splash page. Look for "Paid to Promote" section in your 12DC account.
Our Twitter feature also works as a perfect tool for quick-communication. If you are not following us yet, do it right away:
There's another great feature that makes 12DC different from the crowd. We show you the daily payout screenshots. What else potential members are looking for than a real material that program is paying. So check it here:
The Ultimate 12 By 12,
12DailyClicks Team.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Message to Monitors, Bloggers and Forum Administrators

Hello members,
First of all thanks for your wonderful support to 12DailyClicks. For the long of 17 days till this date you’ve been helping us promote the program that is growing to become the leader of this industry. We wanted to say thank you very much for all bloggers, monitor administrators, forum administrators and all 12dailyclicks members who supports the program.
This message is specially for you that supports 12DailyClicks promoting it. We want to rebuild Ratings page and use it as tool to show people the many sites that are supporting 12DC, this way we reward a little bit of your support putting your site in front of many potential visitors. So we are asking that you please send us your monitoring seals (html code), blog banners (image url and link), thread links etc.
We will review all sites and those that have some space destined to 12DailyClicks will be published in our site. Monitoring seals will show in the Ratings page and member's blogs and sites will show in the member area, we are creating a page that will list the best blogs of 12DC members.
Please send your entry to Mike will be responsible for review and add the applications received.
We are preparing new features for promotion. Stay tuned, you will enjoy!
Jeffrey Wilson.
The Ultimate 12 By 12,
12DailyClicks Team.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

12DailyClicks Has Got Its Own Blog

Hello 12DailyClicks members,
This is Jeffrey, welcome to 12DailyClicks Blog. Why 12DailyClicks needs a blog? The program is growing, currently we have over 400 registered members, number of daily visits to our site is increasing fastly, as an immediate result our trademark is becoming popular and we don't want malicious persons take advantage of it to eventually spread fake news signed by 12DailyClicks, the so called SPAM. That's why we're launching our own blog, every message you receive via e-mail will be available here. This way when you receive a message from me or Mike in your e-mail you will be able to check if the message is authentic.
Adding to this 12DailyClicks Blog will be useful if we need to update you about quick news or promotions, briefly it's the center of updates and news about the program. We also want to hear your comments, suggestions and doubts. We'd like to hear if you are happy with 12DailyClicks. We have installed a feature for interaction member to member and member to staff (thanks to member Carl for this suggestion), please speak up there. It's situated in the right column of this page below Archive.
We have noticed just a few members are following us on Twitter. Let's go people, Twitter is the ultimate success of communication in the web and we look forward using it to improve our relation with you. You should also remember Twitter is a nice tool of promotion. Why not message your friends on Twitter about us? Send them your referral link, you will build a nice referring list and still earn commissions, 6% if you are upgraded and 2% if you are free member.
Thank you all for the incredible support till this date, I ensure we will keep working to bring you always the best. I hope you enjoy this space, it was just created to attend you better and better. I'm loving the people who are chatting live with me through the Live Support in the site. It's always a pleasure to clear your doubts.
Jeffrey Wilson
The Ultimate 12 By 12,
12DailyClicks Team.